PowerShell – GPO CmdLets

Free cmdLets for managing Active Directory GPOs have been released by SDM Software Group.

 They can be downloaded here:

Here’s a brief description of the cmdLets.

Add-SDMgplink: Links a GPO to a particular AD container (site,domain or OU)
*Get-SDMgplink: Retrieves a list of linked GPOs from a particular AD container
*Remove-SDMgplink: Removes a GPO link from a given AD container
Export-SDMgpo: Backs up a GPO to a given folder path
Get-SDMgpo: Retrieves information about one or all GPOs in a domain
New-SDMgpo: Creates a new GPO in a domain
Remove-SDMgpo: Deletes an existing GPO from a domain
Restore-SDMgpo: Restores a GPO from backup
*Get-SDMgpoBackups: Retrieves the list of all backed-up GPOs (or a given GPO) from a given folder path
Add-SDMgpoSecurity: Adds a GP permission (ACE) for a given group to a given GPO
Get-SDMgpoSecurity: Retrieves a list of GP permissions from a given GPO
Remove-SDMgpoSecurity: Removes a particular permission for a given group from a given GPO.

Quest Software – ActiveRoles Management Shell

Quest Software has released a free (as in free beer) set of cmdlets for managing Active Directory.
Name: ActiveRoles Management Shell for Active Directory
Download from: http://www.quest.com/activeroles-server/arms.aspx

A new start menu shortcut is created (/quest software/activeroles server/ActiveRoles Management Shell for Active Directory) . Use to start a PowerShell console with the cmdlets activated.

Update your PowerShell profile to include the new set of cmd-lets.
“Add-PSSnapin Quest.ActiveRoles.ADmanagement”